Spear of Adun 军团
概览 | |
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全名 | Spear of Adun |
缩写 | NK. |
创始人 | 寂旌烟云 |
成立时间 | 2015年9月2日 17:03 |
CEO | Emiya丶Kiritsugu |
所属联盟 | VENI VIDI VICI<-VVV-> |
成员 | 536 |
主权 | 0 |
介绍 | u"\u672c\u519b\u56e2\u4e0d\u63a5\u53d7\u76f4\u63a5\u7533\u8bf7\uff0c\u76f4\u63a5\u7533\u8bf7\u9700\u8981\u62c5\u4fdd\u4eba \u5bf9\u821e\u4e4b\u57df \u5b88\u591c\u4eba\u519b\u56e2 \u4e9a\u987f\u4e4b\u77db \u957f\u591c\u5c06\u81f3\uff0c\u6211\u4ece\u4eca\u5f00\u59cb\u5b88\u671b\uff0c\u81f3\u6b7b\u65b9\u4f11\u3002 \u6211\u5c06\u4e0d\u5a36\u59bb\u3001\u4e0d\u5c01\u5730\u3001\u4e0d\u751f\u5b50\u3002 \u6211\u5c06\u4e0d\u6234\u5b9d\u51a0\uff0c\u4e0d\u4e89\u8363\u5ba0\u3002 \u6211\u5c06\u5c3d\u5fe0\u804c\u5b88\uff0c\u751f\u6b7b\u65bc\u65af\u3002 \u6211\u662f\u9ed1\u6697\u4e2d\u7684\u5229\u5251\uff0c\u957f\u57ce\u4e0a\u7684\u5b88\u536b\u3002 \u6211\u662f\u62b5\u5fa1\u5bd2\u51b7\u7684\u70c8\u7130\uff0c\u7834\u6653\u65f6\u5206\u7684\u5149\u7ebf\uff0c\u5524\u9192\u7720\u8005\u7684\u53f7\u89d2\uff0c\u5b88\u62a4\u738b\u56fd\u7684\u575a\u76fe\u3002 \u6211\u5c06\u751f\u547d\u4e0e\u8363\u8000\u732e\u7ed9\u5b88\u591c\u4eba\uff0c\u4eca\u591c\u5982\u6b64\uff0c\u591c\u591c\u7686\u7136\u3002 Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come." |
网址 | http:// |
星域 | 星座 | 下辖星系 | 安全等级 | 资源等级 | 行星 | 卫星 | 小行星带 | 星门 | 空间站 |