主权 艾玛帝国
安全等级 0.70
资源等级 B1
行星 14
卫星 35
小行星带 10
星门 2
空间站 3
跳跃 1
击杀NPC 0
击杀舰船 0
击杀逃生仓 0
矿物(推测) 水硼砂, 干焦岩, 灼烧岩, 凡晶石
三 102025三 11三 12三 13三 14三 15三 16020406080
>> 厄姆萨 星门(艾玛星座)
>> 奥维乌 星门(艾玛星系)
ST Ashokon XIII - Moon 16 - Amarr Certified News Development Studio 艾玛研究空间站
ST Ashokon XIII - Moon 8 - Zoar and Sons Factory 艾玛工业空间站
ST Ashokon XII - Moon 2 - Zoar and Sons Factory 艾玛工业空间站
AS Ashokon I - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon IX - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon V - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon VI - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon X - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon XI - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon XII - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon XIII - Asteroid Belt 1
AS Ashokon XIII - Asteroid Belt 2
AS Ashokon XIV - Asteroid Belt 1